From Shepherd to King
Explore the life of the most compelling character of the
Old Testament —
David, the man after God's own heart.
From Shepherd to King
Explore the life of the most compelling character of the
Old Testament —
David, the man after God's own heart.
Look for these titles, coming soon to Steam.

Heart of David
Coming 2025
Explore the World of the Bible
You start early in David's life when he protected his father's flocks and learned how to fight.

Sneak Through Enemy Territory
Play levels that are set in various towns and regions in Judea.

Become Legend
Face your fears and stand your ground.

Save Judea
Fight enemies on all sides and deliver your people from bondage.

Fullfill Your Destiny
Take the throne and discover the depths of David's unique character.
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Free to Play
That's right. The Anointed will be absolutely free to play. That's because we believe in the message behind the game and want to make sure as many people experience it as possible.
Click here to learn more about IMD Interactive and our mission.
Click here to learn more about the game.

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